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Feb. 12, 2025

S1 - 54 | Minimum-viable semantic model with Panos Alexopolus

S1 - 54 | Minimum-viable semantic model with Panos Alexopolus

What is semantic modeling? How and when do you need it? Can you automate it? Today I speak withPanosAlexopoulos author of the book "Semantic Modeling for Data - Avoiding Pitfalls and Breaking Dilemmas" published by O'Reilly.

Panos is Currently Head of Ontology at Textkernel, leading a team of data professionals in developing and delivering a large cross-lingual Knowledge Graph in the HR and Recruitment domain.

Panos is also a regular speaker and trainer in both academia and industry and I encourage you to look at his website:http://www.panosalexopoulos.com